26th May Queen’s Jubilee

To celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee we have done lots of activities today. We created collages of the Queen using iconic images. We also decorated our own plates to use at our lunchtime picnic. Finally we decorated cakes and biscuits in the colours of red, white and blue to eat at our picnic. We then enjoyed a lovely picnic with the whole school outside on the field.

17th May RE LO: to think about when people May think about God.

Today in RE we talked more about peoples ideas about God. We thought about how not everyone believes in God but that we need to learn about what other people believe in order to respect their beliefs. We talked about when people who believe in God might think about God and drew pictures of these times.

History 17th May Lo: to think about why Mary Anning was special

In history today we recapped the story of Mary Anning, we then thought about what Mary was like as a person and what qualities she had. For instance, was she clever, patient, hardworking? We wrote down some qualities with our partner. We then chose three qualities and explained when Mary Anning had shown these qualities in her life.

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